Abebi white garri is a rich source of carbohydrate and can be used to make tasty swallow for soups.
You can also enjoy the white garri when you drink it with chilled water and other side chops too like bean cakes amd akara.
It is available in 5kg
Vendor Address
565, Dorcas Dede Cl, 901101
Selling Format: Gramme
Price Format: ₦2,891.00
abebi white garri
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Peter: Very good garri. And affordable too👍
on :Friday-03-March, 2023 05:59:19
1 0
@Payer4Real: Great taste and really nutritional. Abebi products 🙌💯
on :Saturday-24-September, 2022 07:31:45
1 0