5 Best e-commerce platforms to make money online for free in Nigeria

Today, getting paid online is a lot more straightforward and less complex than ten years ago.


Startups and even individuals can quickly set up an online e-commerce store for free, without even stepping out of their comfort zone.

All thanks to the now very established and successful companies who ventured into the E-business, such as Amazon, Shopify, Jumia and a couple of other E-commerce sites that are mentioned below in this article.

and a couple of other E-commerce sites that are mentioned below in this article.

The unique structure of the E-commerce companies has created significant opportunities and a strategic selling marketplace for other brands within the e-commerce industry, regardless of the scale or type of business these businesses offer to customers online.

So many articles are being published almost every day to enlighten its readers about the most efficient and faster ways of earning income online.

Presently, startups and already established platforms are beginning to explore vast opportunities using information and communication technology and this trend is certain to continue over the coming years.

To make money online requires you to spend money online. Most e-commerce stores today are not completely free for their customers to use online.

At some point, you will need to pay for subscriptions either on a monthly basis or a yearly format or, in some cases, hidden fees that take effect when you make actual sales from your free e-commerce store.

Here are the top 5 e-commerce stores in Nigeria that you can use to make money online.

This article will help you understand the structure of the e-commerce platforms based on their functions and marketplace design.

For more insights on how e-commerce is transforming markets, check this article.

Learn more about international ecommerce in this useful guide.

This will further help you effectively make use of these platforms if you are interested in receiving card payments directly from your customers and also generating revenue for your business in Nigeria.

Or maybe you are interested in brand promotion and e-commerce business marketing, in order to give your brand a solid and well recognized online presence.

If you are interested in brand promotion and e-commerce business marketing, you can discover more about effective strategies here.


1. Jiji

Jiji is well known for its simple and less complex application process when it comes to opening an account.

The platform users do not require any form of verification or documentation to start benefiting from the platform once you set up an account.

Users can either sell or buy with a single account. However, jiji will never ask customers to pay its sellers online while using the platform.

Buyers and sellers will have to set up a meeting in an agreed location in order to completely carry out the business transaction.

Consumers (the buyer), will have to verify the items themselves before they actually pay for the goods or services directly to the seller.

Setting up a secured payment gateway today is quite fast and simple. There are no special skills or experience needed to create a simple payment api that can receive card payments from customers online.

In this article, in here you will find the top 10 best and most secured online payment platforms in Nigeria.

This makes jiji, interestingly, one of the easiest and fastest e-commerce stores to set up online for any user, that is, both sellers and buyers.

The platform provides marketing assistance and VIP packages to help sellers effectively target willing buyers online.

Sellers will need to subscribe for packages to ensure their ads remain visible and available to clients.

If you own a store front (brick and mortar) as a seller, you can display your phone contacts and shop address for customers to locate you.

This promotes trust and ensures that the buyer is given the opportunity to verify the quality of the item they intend to buy before actually paying for the item.

The market place offers a wide range of products to customers. Whether you are looking to buy used or brand new products online. Or maybe you are interested in buying fresh and packaged items from vendors close to you within your city.


2. M I G or (Migo Express)

Migo Express provides the most convenient e-commerce payment environment for its merchants and vendor owners

They have structured the platform to help all sellers receive money from customers at the fastest possible time.

These features and attributes have made it quite unique when you use the e-commerce platform to make sales.

The platform structure allows customers to pay merchants and vendors for the goods and/or services securely online.

This alone, promotes a high level of quality assurance for everyone using the platform to transact.

Let me put it this way, so it is clear enough;

If you are looking to earn money from your customers online for free with zero subscriptions at the fastest possible time, then visit this link to sell online in Nigeria on migo express.

The Migo Express structure helps sellers generate more revenue and build steady business growth for all types of business owners.

The sales structure is segmented into two types: - Vendor Owners and Merchants across Nigeria, who have a business or product and services to offer for sale to customers.

Using the automated-in-built countdown timer in the customer's app, sellers can locate and find willing buyers for their products or services at the fastest way possible.

Customers and sellers will always have clear and accurate information about delivery periods and arrival response within the e-commerce application.

Business owners can advertise and receive payments securely when they make sales using the web application and request for pay-out almost immediately.

Both the merchant and vendor account have unlimited product listing features.

Migo express Seller Accounts have the following benefits all for free:-

  1. Unlimited Ads listings;
  2. Short Video Clip (Max Length 3 mins) for each ads;
  3. Multiple images for each ads;
  4. Google Indexed Store Front Landing Page for your Business Guaranteed;
  5. Well designed User Interface for your online Store Front;
  6. Store Profile address – Photo Gallery Slide – Bio;

The web application structure gives sellers the opportunity to provide well organized services that are customer oriented in all areas, from product pricing to product quality, marketing strategies and even delivery periods.

All of these attributes are the trademarks of leading e-commerce brands in this diverse and complex e-business sector, where customer satisfaction and wants is of the utmost priority.

Another great feature of migo express, is the fast growing referral network program.

The network builds a fund-raising scheme that provides numerous opportunities to create free vouchers that in turn give value to the customer's E-wallet in Naira.

This trend makes it so much easier for customers to shop on the platform at very low rates online, regardless of the original selling price that has been set by other sellers using the platform.

This strategy will ensure that every seller has the opportunity of converting customers to actual sales when they use the e-commerce website.

To secure a store front with migo express is absolutely free with no subscription packages whatsoever attached.

Sellers are only charged a percentage tax fee after they make sales from their account.

Vendor Sellers are charged 3% and the Merchant Sellers 4% tax rate deduction for every pay-out request sent.


3. Amazon

The free online marketplace requires an application to set up a professional seller account.

With a very huge audience and numerous promotional opportunities in line for customers who shop from the e-commerce website.

It is always a superb idea to open your store front on Amazon for any seller anywhere in the world and be rest assured you will make multiple sales.

Customers are always thrilled with amazing promotional offers and unbelievable discounts rates. Consumers are always compelled to make a stop and shop online with Amazon.

They have created the right trading environment for sellers to always make sales and generate revenue while using the web/mobile application.

Most sellers are interested in making more sales and promoting their business brand online. With Amazon, you can achieve all of these with great ease and with significant results.

The easy-to-use application provides all the knowledge and skills to boost online sales for your business with very little cost or resources invested.

The individual seller account on Amazon charges $0.99 per item plus extra percentage fees for sales tax, although this all depends on the category in which you sell from.

The professional seller account charges a monthly fee of $39.99 with fees attached as well when you make sales.


4. Shopify

To set up an online domain or a store front with Shopify is very easy and safe.

You really do not need any coding skills or web development experience to create a very good landing page for your business online within minutes with Shopify.

Shopify offers wonderful background themes and UI/UX designs when you install and integrate some free-to-use e-commerce tools that are available to users.

The structure of the platform helps sellers promote their brand names and receive payments from consumers all over the world.

You can also integrate your own payment gateway to help receive money when you use Shopify to make sales.

All scales and types of businesses can quickly set up with Shopify and begin to reap the benefits and rewards almost immediately.

If you are interested in making sales locally within your business location or overseas to new and existing consumers anywhere in the world, Shopify is a great choice.

For most start up business owners, this could be an entirely new experience, especially when you may be required to do international shipping and receive foreign payments in order to complete transactions.

The e-commerce application offers currency conversions features that improves and facilitates foreign transactions which, in turn, will help the seller secure more deals and sales from foreign customers anywhere in the world.

They have a really flexible mechanism for all sellers to accept payments online.

The basic Shopify fee is $29 per month.

This includes your own website, blog, SSL certificates, abandoned shopping cart recovery, social media sales channels and so many other tools.

With a very wide and complex store category, you can find almost anything you want when shopping within the online platform.

So, there are no limitations to what you can sell while using Shopify.


5. Jumia

Jumia is one of the leading e-commerce brands today in Nigeria with in-depth marketing strategies and huge financial investments scattered all over the world.

Jumia have successfully created an e-trading marketplace that effectively yields more sales for its merchants.

This is a great place to buy and sell authentic products. All types of sellers and vendors located in Nigeria or overseas can reach out to their customers while on the jumia platform.

The website application delivers easy to use mobile/desktop friendly interface that helps retailers, wholesalers or manufacturers receive payments for their goods and services securely.

The integrated payment gateway system effectively helps merchants process bank transfers and card payments securely with no stress or complications.

Sellers can also find other amazing services within the jumiaPay app, such as Loans, Mobile/Wi-Fi Data Recharge, Electricity Bill payments etc.

The platform offers services to customers in Nigeria and within countries like Egypt, South-Africa, China and Ghana.

With a large and vibrant audience that creates a solid base line for brand awareness and brand promotion for startups that are looking to get more sales and also build a good online presence.

Jumia is an e-commerce brand that is internationally recognized and is completely in the forefront of online marketing and brand promotion in Nigeria.

The platform system facilitates greater opportunities and fosters steady growth for all types of business owners.

Sellers and buyers can meet at the online market place to achieve one simple objective: "shop the best quality of products at affordable prices".

To setup, requires bank verification (BVN verification) and some relevant documentation. Merchants on the seller app have the option to subscribe for various subscription plans.

The lowest subscription amount for a jumia professional account is ₦2,000 per month. The starter account package is free with a limited product listing.

Store managers can directly send customers to their verified store front in order to make sales using a direct hyperlink created during account set up.

This is literary your brands online landing page. Jumia sellers can also decide on how they will receive payments for the goods or services they are selling.

Cash on Delivery (COD) permits the seller to make deliveries to the buyer before receiving cash/payments once the delivery has been completed and declared successful by the customer.

This approach, will ensure your customers are completely satisfied with the product they ordered online.

It will also, build brand and customer relationship and even increase your conversion rate as a seller provided you always deliver the best product or services to your customers.


Business owners can easily tap into online advertisement to promote sales and even create the awareness that their business brand needs using the internet as probably the major and only source.

This trend has put a lot of businesses at the forefront of their consumers.

Even startups are now placed in a position to compete favorably amongst some of the top rated brands in the e-commerce system.

As we now know, almost all businesses are transitioning to fully internet-based data management systems, in order to handle and manage all business transactions.

For resources on data management, you can refer tothis article.

This is great news, if you already have the technology and facilities to securely deploy and manage your own website.

However, funding a fully functional e-commerce website can be heavy on the pocket, especially if you are paying a tech guru for his/her services.

But, by using shopify or any of the e-commerce platforms listed above any individual/seller can manage their business services and sales effectively with almost zero marketing experience and skills.

The listed platforms mentioned above have implemented diverse and unique measures with strategic design structures to mitigate the amount of excessive returns trending in the e-commerce sector.

These platforms, play a dynamic role in the circulation and distribution of authentic products. They give brands of all types the right values and create the awareness it needs to thrive anywhere in the world.

The listed websites are all free and easy to setup online. So, there you have it.

If you are looking to make money from e-commerce platforms in Nigeria, you can try using any of the brands above and instantly begin to generate income with great convenience.

Collins A. Ubani
Content Writer and Web Developer